Do you want to change your hair texture?
Have you ever wondered how to change your hair texture? You’re not alone. Many people struggle with their natural hair texture — but if you’re trying to change your natural hair texture, you might be taking the wrong path to looking your best.
How many of us began our natural hair journey excitedly looking through natural hair photos on Instagram and Pinterest and thinking, "I can replicate that style!” After trying the products and process, frustration leads you to eventually accept that the products just didn't work the same, and your results were totally different than the lady on the video tutorial!
Learning how to rock your natural hair texture is a massive step in adopting a natural hair lifestyle. But it is equally important to take your learning one step further and truly embrace your natural hair texture! Here are a few reasons why you should celebrate your hair just as it was created…

A beauty guru friend of mine, Robin Groover, says your natural hair texture is as unique as your fingerprint. Among all of the millions of people in this world, no one has the same fingerprint or exact hair texture as you! It makes sense to think of one's natural hair texture as a unique physical attribute that is distinctly and inherently yours. We should feel good about this distinguishing feature and embrace that uniqueness. And, much like we can’t change our fingerprints, we shouldn’t want to change our natural hair texture. It’s about working with your natural hair texture rather than trying to force it to change.

You may be thinking, "How is she just gon' tell me to feel good about my natural texture? Does she really know the struggle?!" While I have been natural for over 13 years now, I can admit, I did not always embrace my natural texture. Trust me, I know firsthand, the struggle can be real!
But, as you continue on the natural hair journey (and keep living!) things will change – your diet[ Check out this blog post on top 10 foods for natural hair], the products you use, your health, your hair care regimen, etc. It all changes.
Likewise, you will find your hair texture also can and will change. The changes may not be as perceptible as adding color or chemicals to the hair, but as you find a rhythm in your routine, your texture will treat you right, too. And you’ll see how to change your natural hair texture for the better by working with it. Healthy, naturally textured coils are worth celebrating!
Another reason some curlies resist fully embracing their natural texture comes from becoming too invested in the texture number system. We've all seen the videos or read the blogs about 4C vs. 4A vs. 3B vs. 1D… and on and on and on! The truth is, each one of us has multiple textures within one head of hair. Can you relate to your sides acting a bit different from the top, and the back just lives by its own bylaws? If so, becoming tied to one specific hair type or using products formulated for just one of several natural hair textures will likely produce inconsistent results.
So, can you change your natural hair texture? Sure, but your natural hair texture will thrive when you work with it versus against it. The best version of your natural hair texture is revealed when you really get to know and love your hair. We can help get you there with products that work with your hair, instead of against it. Browse what we’ve got, and reach out if you have any questions.
As your environment and life choices evolve, your natural hair texture will undoubtedly change, but remember: You can’t replicate someone else's natural hair texture. You can save yourself a lot of time and money and don't get too caught up trying to emulate other people's natural texture. Whether these are strangers on YouTube or members of your family, their texture is theirs and yours is yours. Find what works for you!
Moisture Love® products are specially formulated to moisturize and hydrate all of the textures on your one head! Check out Moisture Love®!
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Roxie said:
I have been moisture loving for almost one year and from day one I knew this regime was different, ‘honestly’ different in the best possible way. I totally love every unique hair on my head and people are always asking me what did I do to my hair as now it’s back to the lustre I had as a child (before chemicals had touched it) it’s versatile again, it bounces and it curls. It has swagger 😂 Thank you Jeannell for making dreams come true for so many.
Norma Hall-MCclure said:
I only want to order a bottle of shampoo and not a bundle how do I do that
Fannie Whitley-Owens said:
I purchased the Massive Mesmerizing kit. I would like to start off by saying I love the shampoo, conditioner, leave in conditioner, and the seal with a kiss finishing oil. I love the way the the kindred spirits defines my curls. My only issue is that once the product dries it leaves my hair crunchy and hard. What can you recommend that I do to alleviate this problem? Ithought this product would make my curls soft.
JOan Culver said:
Hi, my hair is thinning and grey mixed black, I’m 75 , one minute it’s braided, then I’m wearing it natural! At night should I braid my hair when it’s natural and cover it up?